National Roundtables

National Roundtables

The CLDE Project convened a series of five national roundtables in 2010 and 2011 to respond to an initial drafting of the national report. Participants in these roundtables helped assess the strengths and limitations of current efforts to engage college students in civic learning and made invaluable contributions to the arguments and recommendations presented in the national report.

MeetingÄ€ #1December 13, 2010Participation
Leaders from national civic organizations and students
Meeting #2January 13, 2011Participation
Leaders of campus-based civic and political engagement centers, community representatives, and students
Meeting #3February 7, 2011Participation
Faculty, civic scholars, higher education researchers
Meeting #4February 18, 2011Participation
College, community college, and university presidents
Meeting #5March 21, 2011Participation
Public policy leaders, foundation leaders, and heads of higher education associations and disciplinary societies